
What is a barn/career cat?

A Career Cat or Barn Cat are outdoor felines unsuited for indoor living. The cats in our Career Cat Program are often unsocialized or feral, having not learned at a young age that humans can be their friends. As a result, they tend to be shy and fearful around people. These cats typically prefer minimal human interaction and thrive in “working” environments like barns, stables, farms, sheds, breweries, or warehouses, where they can freely patrol and hunt.

While these cats cannot be adopted into traditional indoor homes, SPCA Westchester is committed to finding them
alternative outdoor homes. The Career Cat Program benefits both the cats, who get to enjoy safe outdoor lives, and the adopters, who receive natural pest control for their properties.

What are the advantages of adopting a barn cat?

–They are safe and “green” exterminators. By welcoming a barn cat to your home, you are supporting a safe and
natural way to control the rodent and unwanted insects in and around your home or business. These cats will patrol your property and eliminate the need for harmful poisons/pesticides or traps.

–They help save you money by deterring bugs and rodents from the destructive behavior that can ruin products, grain etc.

–You are giving a rescued pet a second chance.

Is this humane?

–Cats that are not socialized would be very stressed and anxious in a typical home. Placing them in environments
where they have more freedom is the most humane situation for them.

What do we ask from the adopter?

–Provide a warm, safe housing space where the cat can live (warehouse, barn, garage, etc.)

–Continuous fresh food and water.

–Acclimation time and area- at least one month- our team can help you come up with a plan to make the transition time successful!

Email Kasey@spcawestchester.org or call (914) 941-2896 ext. 114 to learn more.
