Humane Education
Education is the key to preventing animal abuse and creating a kinder generation of animal advocates. Teaching children about compassion, anti-stereotyping, and respect for all living things are just a few of the important topics covered by the SPCA’s Humane Education Program.
Our dedicated staff and volunteers present educational workshops and interactive modules in schools every year and host various youth clubs and scout troops at the SPCA. Programs are tailored specifically to the goals, ages, and needs of each group. There is no cost to have the SPCA visit your school but we encourage charitable giving.
SPCA School Presentations: We are available to visit and facilitate discussions about a wide variety of topics customized for your classroom.
Tours and Field Trips: Bring your scout troop, club, class or group to the SPCA for an educational tour.
Reading to Dogs and Cats Program: Children are welcome to visit the SPCA to sharpen their literacy skills and confidence, while providing companionship for the animals. Kids can select a book to bring with them, or borrow a book from our reading library.
Homework with a Buddy: Bring that math or English homework with you to the SPCA and work through it with one of our dogs or cats while you sit outside their kennel. They love the companionship, and they can be inspiring too.
Playing an Instrument for an Animal: Children are encouraged to play an acoustical instrument for the SPCA animals in our Music Room. Participants can practice without judgement of their performance, providing them with more confidence in their ability to play, all the while entertaining animals who crave the attention.
Contact Lisa Fello at lisa.fello@spcawestchester.org or (914) 941-2896 ext. 126 to learn more.