Planned Giving
A bequest in your will is an easy and effective way to give a meaningful gift that will support animals in need for years to come. You can designate SPCA Westchester as the direct beneficiary of your estate or choose to have the SPCA receive a portion of your estate or residuals. Other types of gifts include: Bank and/or Investment Accounts, Retirement Assets, Life Insurance, Stocks/Mutual Funds/Securities, a Charitable Trust and Real Estate.
Your legal or tax advisor can help you determine what type of legacy gift best suits your estate planning goals and financial capabilities.
We are happy to work with you to ensure your wishes and expectations are met. For more information on Planned Giving, please contact Lisa Bonanno-Spence, Director of Development at (914) 941-2896 ext. 154 or Lisa@spcawestchester.org.
The SPCA’s legal name is the SPCA of Westchester, Inc. and our Federal Tax Id is 13-1740069.