
Holidays Hours: Open 11am-1pm on Christmas and New Year’s Eve and closed on Christmas and New Dear’s day.

Pet Adoption White Plains, NY

Every Animal Shelter Donation Makes a Difference

SPCA Westchester is incredibly grateful to the generous individuals, corporations, foundations and local businesses who make our work possible. Every animal shelter donation allows us to provide care for more animals.

When you make a general donation to the SPCA, your gift will support the thousands of orphaned animals we care for every year as well as our community outreach programs and services, including our Humane Law Enforcement Unit, which is funded solely by animal shelter donations.

Our humane society is not affiliated with the ASPCA or any other animal welfare organizations and do not receive funding from the county or federal government, so we rely on the generosity of our community. Every donation from a resident of Westchester County, Armonk, Scarsdale, White Plains, Yonkers, New Rochelle, Bedford, Rye, Elmsford, NY or Greenwich, CT, is another animal we can give a better life. See all the ways you can give below. And please remember, many companies and corporations will match your gift. Have further questions about how you can help? If so, give us a call.

General Donation
Honorary or Memorial Gift
Monthly Giving
Planned Giving, Trusts & Estates
Mend a Friend Fund
Wish List
Donate a Vehicle
Equine Fund
Social Media Fundraiser:
Create a Facebook Fundraiser
Create a Instagram Fundraiser

The SPCA also accepts gifts of stock, securities and qualified charitable distributions from your IRA. Please contact Lisa@spcawestchester.org or call (914) 941-2896 ext. 154 if this is your preferred way of giving. Donations by check should be made payable to the SPCA of Westchester. Thank you!

Year in Review

Animal Rescue Westchester County, NY
