SPCA of Westchester has a pet rescue and transportation program.

Rescue Transport Adopt Program

Beginning in 2007, the SPCA began a program to rescue animals from over-crowded shelters where in some cases, dog and cats are slated to be euthanized due to a lack of space and funding. Many of these shelters are located in areas where pets are not spayed/neutered as frequently and are allowed to free roam more often due to laxed leash laws. This results in an abundance of homeless animals and not enough adoptive homes.

Through this special program, the SPCA has saved the lives of tens of thousands of dogs, cat, puppies and kittens in the United States and world-wide including North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Mississippi, Texas, Florida, Puerto Rico, Thailand, China and Turkey.

One of our largest rescue/transport programs, Briarcliff Bound Buddies, helps various shelters located in Mississippi through a life-saving partnership we have with a local rescue group there who works in conjunction with the Mississippi University Veterinary School.

*To learn more about how you can help or donate towards this vital program, please contact Lisa Bonanno at (914) 941-2896 ext. 154 or Lisa@spcawestchester.org. We are always in need of support from animal lovers who can help underwrite these life-saving transports so that we can continue to save more lives every year. You may also choose to dedicate a rescue transport in memory or honor of a beloved person or pet.
